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PHP - Explode function substitution - script with more delimiters of words at once
Separation of words from sentence; checking, correcting and censoring of isolated words; reconstruction of sentence.





//Splitting of text string to an array elements (values) - substitution of explode function - for more delimiters at once
//Martin Adamek,

//$delimiters              Array of one-char delimiters (Two-characters delimiters are defined below, directly inside a code) 
//$what                    The text string, which do you want to cut to single words
//                         Word-by-word corrected words will be sticked back to this variable again, in the end of a script
//$arrayofwordstocheck     Array, where will be single isolated words saved to

$delimiters=array(" ", ".", ",", ";", "-", "?", "!", "_", ":", "(", ")", "/");
$word=""; $arrayofwordstocheck=array();

// Cutting (splitting) of the string (sentence) to a words

for ($i=0; $i<strlen($what);$i++)
    if (substr($what,$i,2)=="\\\"" or substr($what,$i,2)=="\\\\" or substr($what,$i,2)=="\\'") 
      {$arrayofwordstocheck[]=$word; $arrayofwordstocheck[]=substr($what,$i,2); $word="";$i++;}
      //disclosing (finding) of characters escaped by the backslash - backslash as well as the both types of a quotation marks   
    elseif (in_array($what[$i], $delimiters))
      {$arrayofwordstocheck[]=$word; $arrayofwordstocheck[]=$what[$i]; $word="";}

The whole splitted string is saved in the array $arrayofwordstocheck at this place,
you can ignore the rest of code for some applications and place the above-mentioned code into a function.

// Checking, editting, correcting or another censorship of separated words       

foreach ($arrayofwordstocheck as &$item) 
  { if ($item=="YouCanNotFindMe") $item="IHaveFoundYou"; 
    /* You can do what do you need with each isolated word. */

// Merging of corrected words into one string again (censored sentence)

  //Because given delimiters are saved as single words (values of array elements), we can use a common implode function for re-merging of string
  //- we can set empty string as a glue (space character usualy uses to be a glue, after using it as delimiter in explode function). 

We have corrected sentence as one text string in $what variable. 

So we have text-string completed in one string variable again, but we have editted wanted words in the way how we needed.
We could compare them with some list of expletives and set a star characters instead of them.

So you can use this algorithm e.g. as a base for script for filtering of vulgarisms (swear/dirty words) at discussions and comments.

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    ADÁMEK, Martin. PHP - Explode function substitution - script with more delimiters of words at once: Separation of words from sentence; checking, correcting and censoring of isolated words; reconstruction of sentence.. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Czech Republic) [cited 2024-10-23]. Available from:

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    ADÁMEK, Martin. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Czech Republic) [cited 2024-10-23]. Available from:



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