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Ing. Martin Adámek, Náchod – brief information about activities



Ing. Martin Adámek, Náchod, CZ - Контакт


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    Ету страницу

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Вебсайт & автор. Martin Adámek [Мартин Адамек] [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Чешская Республика) [cited 2024-10-22]. Режим доступа:

    Весь сайт

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Martin Adámek [Мартин Адамек] [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Чешская Республика) [cited 2024-10-22]. Режим доступа:



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WebArchiv – This website is being archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic This website is regularly archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic for its cultural, educational, scientific, research or other values with the aim of documenting an authentic sample of the Czech web. It belongs to a collection of Czech websites to be preserved by the National Library and made available for posterity. Its record is included in the Czech National Bibliography and the National Library catalogue.  



For a distraction

There are 10 kinds of people in the world – those who understand binary and those who don't.


For a muse

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
[Henry Ford]