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JAzykovye versii sajjta otlichajutsja po napolneniju, posmotrite vse,
kotorye Vam ponjatny.



Usual Occurance

Electronic Mail

martin  za-v_in áč

Instant Messages

I can run Skype after pre-arrangement if required:
skype: ""

I maybe could run ICQ in case of necessity:

Please do not type me important messages  via Facebook.
Although I read FB messages, I do not use Facebook apps in cell phone,
I use Facebook as free-time communication system of the lowest priority, which is worthy of checking in lower frequency than e-mail.
Some people started to use Facebook Inbox (FB messages, FB Messenger) in similar way like SMS, but not me.

Please do not type me messages via LinkedIn.


Other My „Web Adresses” various web profiles


Nerozumím googletranslatorsky!
Nie rozumiem po googletranslatorsku!
I do not understand Googletranslatorish!
Ne ponimaju po-GooglePerevodchikski!
Ne ponimaju po-GooglePerevodchikski!
Ich verstehe nicht googletranslatorisch!

I read

  1. CS Czech
  2. PL Polish
  3. SK Slovak
  4. EN English
  5. RU short simple text Russian (with big problems)
  6. DE really very short very simple text maybe also German
  7. Slovio Slovio (jiný web, nový panel) maybe too?

I type

  1. CS Czech
  2. PL Polish
  3. EN English
  4. RU very short very simple text maybe also Russian

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  • Citirovat v sootvetstvii s ISO 690

    Etu stranicu

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Kontakt. Martin Adámek [Martin Adamek] [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (CHeshskaja Respublika) [cited 2024-10-23]. Rezhim dostupa:

    Ves sajjt

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Martin Adámek [Martin Adamek] [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (CHeshskaja Respublika) [cited 2024-10-23]. Rezhim dostupa:



National Cultural Heritage

WebArchiv – This website is being archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic This website is regularly archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic for its cultural, educational, scientific, research or other values with the aim of documenting an authentic sample of the Czech web. It belongs to a collection of Czech websites to be preserved by the National Library and made available for posterity. Its record is included in the Czech National Bibliography and the National Library catalogue.  



For a distraction

- Why „dark” is spelled with „K”, not with „C”?
- Because you can not C in the dark.


For a muse

It's unbelievable how much you don't know about the game you've been playing all your life.
[Mickey Mantle (baseball player)]