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Prywatny, niezawodowy mikroblog.
Artykuł nr 92


Emergency calls fatal problems in Android or Sony phones

Emergency calls fatal problems in Android or Sony phones

Emergency calls – two fatal errors which are very danger and can cause someones death or another damage

Android 11, Sony,
model introduced into the market at spring 2021; bought as new at autumn 2021 (official Czech distribution).


Dualsim: SIM 1 is forced for emergency calls; no option for user to use SIM 2 if necessary.

It is fatal when user is at stateborder, if Czech SIM is logged into Czech network and Polish SIM is logged into Polish network.
Then user needs to decide which SIM to use,
based on fact which emergency service from which country he wants to call.

Automatic forcing of one SIM chosen by phone when making emergency call is absolutely inacceptable and it can kill someone.
It is impossible to achieve Czech emergency lines of basic emergency services from Polish network.
And vice versa (no way to achieve Polish emergency services from Czech network).

If I need to call Czech emergency service, having dualSIM phone,
being logged into Czech network with second SIM and into Polish network with first SIM (beding near to state border),
the phone will force me to call via Polish network, and it is fatal problem, if I need to call out Czech emergency service.

Special Czech local numbers 150, 155, 158 does not exist in Poland.
Special Polish local numbers 999, 998, 997 does not exist at Czechia.
The line 112 operation center is located at country of network which is physically used to connection at the moment; such operation centre is connected to services of that country.

So if I want to call Czech emergency services and the phone will decide to use SIM which is logged into Polish network just now,
then I will be connected with centre from another country than which I want to ask to come.
There is no way to call e.g. +420 112 or +420 155 from Polish network.
So having networks of both of countries, being at state border, I have to use correct current network (SIM, which is logged in that network at the moment).

Possibility to choose a SIM (when each SIM is logged in another network) is important
also in case that user has both SIM of the same country,
if one operator has weak signal at the place, so his SIM is logged in roaming of foreign network, being near to state border.

Or opposite case: When Czech user with two Czech SIMs is at Poland (near to state border),
having one SIM logged in home Czech network, and one SIM logged in roaming in Polish network,
he wants to use SIM logged in Polish network to call out Polish emergency services.
(Or SIM logged in Czech network to call out Czech emergency services, e.g. ambulance of his home country, being near to state border.)

Possibility to choose a SIM (when each SIM is logged in another network) can be important
also inside a country, far from state border, when SIMs are from various countries;
it is better to use local SIM in home network than foreign SIM in roaming.

Possibility to choose a SIM (when each SIM is logged in another network) can be important
also inside a country, far from state border, even with both of SIMs from the same country;
e.g. if second SIM (network of second SIM) has better and more reliable network signal.

It is user who is supposed to decide which SIM (network) to use for emergency call!
It is user, who has important information in context, who knows, what is desirable to be done!


b) Changing of number

When calling special number like 150, 155, 158 which is connected to concrete service (fire brigade, EMS, police)
the phone chaneges destination number to 112.
Internally, secret way, no informing any side of call.

So user wants to call concrete service, talks to such service,
and few minutes later caller and operator realise that something in their conversation does not make sense – because caller was calling to concrete service,
but was connected to universal emergency line 112.
But the caller was speaking in context he is surely calling to concrete service chosen by him (by local number like e.g. 155) all the time.
Chief of operation centre of one of emergency services has told me this behavior is not made by network; it has to be made by the phone.

Automatical changing of number is confusing, undesirable, danger.
Calling to universal 112 line can be time wasting, because it is faster to call directly concrete service, chosen by type of accident.
And operators of 155 (EMS) are trained to lead/guide first health aid via the phone.

In case of fail / overload / unavailibility of universal 112 call centre is necessery to have possibility to call concrete line like 150, 155, 158.
It is another channel, another operation centre, alternative option to call out a help.

The same situation for another numbers in another countries (like e.g. 997, 998, 999 in Poland).


The user needs to decide which SIM (network) he will use for emergency call.
The user needs to decide which number is he calling to.

Phone is supposed to be quite simple and durable technology, without arrogant unauthorised danger unthought-out interventions to user's decisions.
It is not automated chat of customer care at website, which is supposed to behave automated nonsense way.
Phone is supposed to do what user commands to it when dialing a dial or when pressing the buttons or when pressing virtual buttons at touchscreen.

If I want and need to call to e.g. 155 via SIM2 (network Y), I need and want to do so.
Not to call to 112 via SIM1 (newtork X) because phone has another opinion.

It is me, who knows what has happened and in which context.
Which service from which country is needed to be called.

These unthought treacherous interventions of SW can kill someone.


I have not idea if that problems are caused by Sony firmware, or by Android operation system in general,
so I have sent the bugreport to both Sony customer support as well as Google Issue Tracker.



Czy się artykuł Państwu podobał?

Informacja zwrotna – głosowanie

Hlasy se na serveru připočítají k počitadlům pro tento článek, např. kolikrát tento článek někoho pobavil a kolikrát tento článek někomu pomohl.

Neukládají se jednotlivá hlasování (vzájemná kombinace hlasů, datum, čas, ani jiné údaje).
Proto nemá smysl odesílat prázdný hlas, nemělo by se co k čemu přičíst.


Ve Vašem prohlížeči nebude uložena žádná informace (cookies) o tom, že už jste hlasovali.
- Ve Vašem prohlížeči tedy nebude vidět, jak jste hlasovali.
- Kdykoliv budete moci hlasovat znovu, pokud Vám článek opakovaně pomůže (pobaví Vás, potěší, …).
- Pokud Vás právě u jednoho počítače sedí více, mohou postupně hlasovat další lidé.

Počítám člověkohlasy, nikoliv lidi.
Tedy kolikrát článek někomu pomohl,
nikoliv kolika lidem pomohl

Třikrát potěšeného jednoho čtenáře počítám stejně jako tři různé jednou potěšené čtenáře.

Každý má do budoucna neomezený počet hlasů.
Když zapomenete, že jste pro tento článek už hlasovali, nevadí – když Vám někdy v budoucnu bude např. užitečný znovu, tak mu znovu pošlete hlas, že Vám byl užitečný.

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(ve vývoji)
#science-technology   #electro-ict   #emergency-services-civil-protection  

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    ADÁMEK, Martin. Osobisty blog: Prywatny, niezawodowy mikroblog.. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Republika Czeska) [dostęp 2024-10-22]. Dostępny w Internecie:

    Całą witrynę

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Republika Czeska) [dostęp 2024-10-22]. Dostępny w Internecie:



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Na wesoło

Czarne dziury powstały tam, gdzie Pan Bóg podzielił przez zero.



Oto cała bieda: głupi są tak pewni siebie, rozsądni tak pełni wątpliwości.
[Bertrand Russell]