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Osobisty blog
Prywatny, niezawodowy mikroblog.
Artykuł nr 276


Subtitles language settings for on-line video service – suggestion / feedback

I have sent following feedback (suggestion) to well-known on-line video service (specifically YouTube):


Captions (subtitles) – languages problem:

If I watch video in English, I want to read English subtitles.

If I watch video in German language, I want to read German subtitles.

Etc., for some more languages, the same principle.

There is some sound in the video, someone is telling (or singing) something, and I would like to see the text at subtitles to understand better what is in audio; it helps with foreign languages.

But – the problem:
There is settings which language of captions I want to see,
and there are specific (concrete) languages only. As fixed choices.

I watch video in German, so I switch on German subtitles... but then I watch video in English... and automatic translation into German appears!
There is no good reason for it.
I understand English much better than German, I want to see transcription of original audio there, I do not want to see automatic translation (with mistakes, of course) to some another language which I understand less.

I just want to see transcription of sound which I am listenting just now.


Please, add an option "original language / direct transcription without translating" as first language option in language settings of captions (cc, subtitles).

It is really annoying if I have to change language somewhere in settings at beginning of each video.
I just want to click "play", eventually also CC on / CC off; and not to be changing setting of language always when I start to watch video at another language than previous video used.

Thanks a lot.

PS – possible improvement:
Eventually, I would like to see subtitles with direct transcription of audio in original language without translating,
as I have described above,

plus, as an improvement,
also subtitles in some another language (even by auto-translate) which I can choose,
as it works now.

Two subtitles in the same time.
One at top border of video,
one at a bottom.
It can help with watching foreign videos very much; it can help with language learning.
And it can also help to two persons or to small group of persons to watch the video together at one device if that persons have various native languages.

Even three or more sets of subtitles at the same time would be useful too, but it is maybe hard to push such functionality through big company to get it approved.

Eventually with a possiblity to make a video a bit smaller, with subtitles shown out of the picture of the video.

Please, add at least the choice "original language of audio" as described as first, above. I really hardly miss this option.
I really hate that neverending changing of settings to "English" for English audio, "German" for German audio, etc.




If the video have dialogues in more languages,

then either system have some information in database, which language is considered as main / default for this video, so this attribute can be used,

either system does not have any information about main language of video,
then the autodetection algorithm can be used for each segment (time section) of the audio independently, to transcript English sentence in English language, German sentence in German language, etc.


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Informacja zwrotna – głosowanie

Hlasy se na serveru připočítají k počitadlům pro tento článek, např. kolikrát tento článek někoho pobavil a kolikrát tento článek někomu pomohl.

Neukládají se jednotlivá hlasování (vzájemná kombinace hlasů, datum, čas, ani jiné údaje).
Proto nemá smysl odesílat prázdný hlas, nemělo by se co k čemu přičíst.


Ve Vašem prohlížeči nebude uložena žádná informace (cookies) o tom, že už jste hlasovali.
- Ve Vašem prohlížeči tedy nebude vidět, jak jste hlasovali.
- Kdykoliv budete moci hlasovat znovu, pokud Vám článek opakovaně pomůže (pobaví Vás, potěší, …).
- Pokud Vás právě u jednoho počítače sedí více, mohou postupně hlasovat další lidé.

Počítám člověkohlasy, nikoliv lidi.
Tedy kolikrát článek někomu pomohl,
nikoliv kolika lidem pomohl

Třikrát potěšeného jednoho čtenáře počítám stejně jako tři různé jednou potěšené čtenáře.

Každý má do budoucna neomezený počet hlasů.
Když zapomenete, že jste pro tento článek už hlasovali, nevadí – když Vám někdy v budoucnu bude např. užitečný znovu, tak mu znovu pošlete hlas, že Vám byl užitečný.

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    Tę stronę

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Osobisty blog: Prywatny, niezawodowy mikroblog.. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Republika Czeska) [dostęp 2024-09-09]. Dostępny w Internecie:

    Całą witrynę

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Republika Czeska) [dostęp 2024-09-09]. Dostępny w Internecie:



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Tak, jak w komedii, także w życiu nic nie jest ważne, jak długo trwało, ale czy było dobre.
[Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Seneka) starszy]