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Osobisty blog
Prywatny, niezawodowy mikroblog.
Artykuł nr 278


Language settings independent (vs. shared) for local versions of Google Search

I have sent following feedback (bug report) to well-known on-line searching service (specifically Google):


Language settings problem with Google Search:

I had this settings for Google Search:

Region: Czechia
Language of results: Czech
Language of interface: English

Region: Poland
Language of results: Polish
Language of interface: English

Region: current
Language of results: Czech, Polish, English and some more languages
Language of interface: English

And similar way like .cz and .pl I had it for some another top level domains (countries).

But days ago or few weeks ago it stopped to work.
Google started to return English language results at where I was searching specific Polish topics.
It started to behave strange, inlogical, with unexpected results. I was curious, why I see English results at

Then I understood that there is new language settings in Google Search...
and there are problems:

1) It is impossible to switch off "English" as an option for languages of results.
It is bad:

I want to search Polish results from Poland in Polish at

I want to search Czech results from Czechia in Czech at

I want to switch off English language as results language at national Google mutations (,, eventually also, etc.).

But English language is forced there as obligatorily switched-on. It is disserviceable for results, if I want to find local results for country and language chosen by me via top level domain vs., etc.

I think this bug of forcing of English as obligatory language of results is caused by fact, that I use English as language of interface in all version of Google service.
It is logical that I use English as interface language for google.*, since Google is being developed in English, English is native language of Google, and I prevent from mistakes which can become during translating of interface to another language.

It is the best to use every product or service in its original (native) language. It is the lowest risk of mistakes in texts in interface, menu, etc.
But it started to be problem for selecting of search results.
But it are two different things – language of interface vs. language of results. You have two different settings for it, it is great, it is how it is supposed to be; and it worked well for years upto change some days or few weeks ago, when some unwanted connection between two settings rised.

2) Local versions of google.* started to share its language settings!
It is total disaster, which ruined the whole concept of local google versions.

I noticed that there is new language settings; and I noticed that my settings (PL for pl, CS for cz, etc.) is broken.
Well, I started to configure it again, since you have reset them.

I set Polish for, etc., ...
Then I set German for, etc, ...

And... then I noticed that German language appeared in my settings for!!!

It is not independent anymore!
It is absolutely fatal problem, total catastrophe, which makes Google Search unusable.

I want to search results in Poland in Polish at
I want to search results in Germany at German at
I want to search results in Czechia at Czech at

But this very logical and simple concept, which was working for years, stopped to work some days or few weeks ago.

Google Search forces me English and another results at, etc.

Please, fix that bug. Please, repair language settings, make it independent between country versions of Google again. Exactly how it was.

The new solution gives unwanted inlogical unexpected results.

I want to get Polish results for Poland (,
German results for Germany (,
Czech results for Czechia (,

I do not want German results for Poland.
But I want German results for Germany.
That's why you had language settings at every country version of Google independently.

Thanks a lot.



I would like to have region settings "global" at,
but it is impossible already for lot of years.

I do not understand why I have to choose some specific region
(even "Current Region" is one specific region in this context),
if I want to search some piece of information at global, worldwide.

There are services like,,, etc. for regional searching.
Selection by region has sense there (not at

I would like to see global results from anywhere at
Just the very best results for my query, without any discrimination based on its place of origin.


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Informacja zwrotna – głosowanie

Hlasy se na serveru připočítají k počitadlům pro tento článek, např. kolikrát tento článek někoho pobavil a kolikrát tento článek někomu pomohl.

Neukládají se jednotlivá hlasování (vzájemná kombinace hlasů, datum, čas, ani jiné údaje).
Proto nemá smysl odesílat prázdný hlas, nemělo by se co k čemu přičíst.


Ve Vašem prohlížeči nebude uložena žádná informace (cookies) o tom, že už jste hlasovali.
- Ve Vašem prohlížeči tedy nebude vidět, jak jste hlasovali.
- Kdykoliv budete moci hlasovat znovu, pokud Vám článek opakovaně pomůže (pobaví Vás, potěší, …).
- Pokud Vás právě u jednoho počítače sedí více, mohou postupně hlasovat další lidé.

Počítám člověkohlasy, nikoliv lidi.
Tedy kolikrát článek někomu pomohl,
nikoliv kolika lidem pomohl

Třikrát potěšeného jednoho čtenáře počítám stejně jako tři různé jednou potěšené čtenáře.

Každý má do budoucna neomezený počet hlasů.
Když zapomenete, že jste pro tento článek už hlasovali, nevadí – když Vám někdy v budoucnu bude např. užitečný znovu, tak mu znovu pošlete hlas, že Vám byl užitečný.

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    Tę stronę

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Osobisty blog: Prywatny, niezawodowy mikroblog.. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Republika Czeska) [dostęp 2024-09-14]. Dostępny w Internecie:

    Całą witrynę

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Martin Adámek [online]. Náchod / Meziměstí (Republika Czeska) [dostęp 2024-09-14]. Dostępny w Internecie:



Narodowe kulturowe dziedzictwo

WebArchiv – Ta witryna jest archiwowana przez Bibliotekę Narodową Republiki Czeskiej Ta witryna jest regularnie archiwowana przez Bibliotekę Narodową Republiki Czeskiej z powodu jej kulturowej, edukacyjnej, naukowej, badawczej lub innej wartości informacyjnej w celu dokumentacji autentycznej próbki czeskiej przestrzeni www. Witryna ta jest częścią kolekcji czeskich witryn webowych, które ma Biblioteka Narodowa Republiki Czeskiej zamiar długoterminowo przechowywać i udostępniać dla przyszłych pokoleń. Ich zapis jest częścią Czeskiej narodowej bibliografii oraz katalogu Biblioteki Narodowej Republiki Czeskiej.  



Na wesoło

– Dlaczego programista na umycie głowy zużywa całą butelkę szamponu?
– Bo w instrukcji jest napisane: nałożyć, spłukać, czynność powtórzyć.



Człowiek rozsądny przystosowuje się do świata, nierozsądny stara się przystosować świat do siebie. Stąd wszelki postęp pochodzi od nierozsądnych.
[George Bernard Shaw]